Softouch Ayurveda Village & Resort Kerala

Softouch Ayurveda Village & Resort Kerala

Softouch Ayurveda Village & Resort Kerala

Breathing techniques

Breathwork & Pranayama

The collective stress of the world right now is just too much. Self tools that we often turn to like alcohol, drugs, medicine , phone or food addiction…are not working. We need holistic long term alternatives. 

Pranayama (breathwork practice) that is thousands of years old delivers results in just a few minutes.
You will feel it physically and mentally.

Why do we need to learn how to breathe?
You can ask yourself why we need to learn how to breathe when our body has been doing it by itself since we were born.
But the reality is that most people have a dysfunctional breathing pattern nowadays.
This dysfunction is causing many health issues like stress, anxiety, insomnia, poor digestion, fatigue, asthma, allergies etc…
We breathe on average 25 thousand times during the day. So just imagine the effects on your body if you are not doing it correctly!
Can you take a deep breath?
Whenever you felt stressed or before taking an exam, has anyone ever told you to take a deep breath? Did you ever wonder what that means?
Should you breathe through your nose or mouth? Belly or chest? How deep? How long?
We need to know the basics of what a good and correct breath is, but unfortunately it is something that has never been taught to us.
What are the benefits of Pranayama?
Pranayama (or breathwork) is like a remote control for your mind and your emotions. If you learn how to breathe in specific ways, you will be able to adjust and change your emotions and your state of mind.
For example, some breathing techniques will balance you, calm you and ground you to the present moment.
Others will energize you, warm you up and put you in an action mode.
For some practices, you can feel the results in your body in just a few minutes! If you are stressed and do a calming exercise, you will be able to measure your heart rate going down instantly.

Your breath is a free and very powerful tool that we have at all times to help us stay healthy.

If you want to know yourself and your body better…breathwork is the way to go!

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