Softouch Ayurveda Village & Resort Kerala

Softouch Ayurveda Village & Resort Kerala

Softouch Ayurveda Village & Resort Kerala

Yoga at Softouch Ayurveda Village Kerala

Yoga & Wellbeing
Yoga, the world’s oldest system for achieving this balance, finds its roots in ancient scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, and Vedas, and was first recorded by the sage Patanjali in the “Yoga Sutras”. By practicing yoga regularly, one can enhance the strength and flexibility of the body, while quieting the mind of worries and fears, thus promoting overall well-being and peace. Yoga and Ayurveda go hand-in-hand as sister sciences. While Ayurveda focuses on the physical and mental health of the body, yoga is primarily concerned with mental health. The practice of yoga can prevent and alleviate stress and related disorders by balancing the neurohormones and metabolism, improving endocrine metabolism.
Daily Yoga & Guided Meditation
At Softouch Ayurveda, we provide daily guided yoga and meditation sessions, led by our expert Yoga Masters. Yoga sessions can take place indoors or amidst the serene beauty of our lush gardens depending on the weather conditions. The Yoga teacher also discusses plans with our Ayurveda Doctor to create personalised yoga plans for each guest, which can then be continued at home. We believe that achieving complete relaxation through yoga and meditation is the key to living an effective Ayurvedic lifestyle. We recognise the intricate link between the body and mind, and the importance of maintaining their harmony.

Yoga Principles​

8 Core principles
Yoga is a spiritual and physical discipline that originated in ancient India. Its principles have been classified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, which describe the eight limbs of yoga: Yama (universal moral codes), Niyama (self-purification by discipline), Asana (postures), Pranayama (rhythmic control of breath), Pratyahara (withdrawing of the mind from senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (deep meditation), and Samadhi (union with the object of meditation). These eight limbs are the core principles to be followed to attain Moksha.
Balance with Yoga
Ahimsa is the practice of non-violence and love. Satya means truthfulness in thought, word, and deed, while Asteya indicates not stealing. Brahmacharya is the art of consistency and sustaining energy, while Aparigraha means not grasping things and having a balanced relationship with possessions.
Commandment of Yoga
Under the commandments of Yama and Niyama, Patanjali put forth five principles to guide the way of living and five inner observances to lead a peaceful life. These include Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (not stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy, religious study, and self-restraint), Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), Shoucha (purification of self), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (disciplined effort), Svadhyaya (education or daily reading), and Ishvara Pranidhana (dedication of one’s actions and will to God).
Yoga - Body & Mind
The inner observances include Shoucha, which involves purifying the body and mind through asanas, pranayama, bhakti, healthy food, and a pleasing place of practice. Santosha is contentment, while Tapas involves leading a disciplined life with three aims for the body, mind, and speech. Svadhyaya involves education or daily reading to draw out the best in oneself, and Ishvara Pranidhana involves dedicating one’s actions and will to God and giving up attachment and selfish purposes.